Thursday, October 25, 2012

10 Word Thursday: Perfect Agony

It's 10 Word Thursday again...time for poetry. I decided to do it in the style of a succession of haikus. Just to make it interesting, I suppose. lol

Ms. Bebe gave me these words:

salacious, prototype, fire, bawdy, dandelion, atlas, museum, explosion, tea, petal

a salacious fire
takes up residence in me
the explosion...great

the impetus, him
the fuel, his body perfect
sculpted from dark wood

far from bawdy and store cheap
...atlas-like and strong

i imagine him
a tasty tea of sweet dreams
dripping onto me

cascading like rain
beading upon my soft petal
me soaking him in

i become spoiled
my prototype paramount
supreme over all

where do i go now?
like a fiend i chase the high
embers of a fire

whisked away like wind
dandelion spores adrift
me...changed forever


Deeper Than My Thoughts said...

I need this kinda lovin in my whole life....

Thee_Kween said...

Me too, Wife. Me, too...

Reggie said...

Very very are quite talented Kween.

Poetry has never been my thing. I respect your poetry gangster.

Thee_Kween said...

Thanks, Reggie...I love that you respect my gangsta. lol haha

in the butterfly net...

i ink...i flow...i pen,
my soul, my words, my zen